Sales Affiliate Program

This is a program where you earn a sales commission by promoting a company’s products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

In this program, you get income from your own efforts plus the efforts of other people who are part of your team. 

Your Team members can be anyone anywhere in the world and in some cases you might not even know who they are.

In a literal sense you will be earning income while you are asleep because every time your Team members make money, you also get a percentage of that money.

You  Register directly on our website, where you will choose a Username and Password. Once you are logged-in,  you can retrieve your Personal Affiliate Link.

nb: Please choose your userName correctly as this CANNOT be changed after you register.

Register –> Here

An Affiliate Link is a special link to our website that contains  your username as part of the link.  Whenever anyone visits our website using your affiliate link, the website will identify you as the person who referred them.

After you register to join the program, you will receive a personal affiliate link to our website.

Use your affiliate link in emails, WhatsApp, websites, blogs, social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Reddit. etc.) to invite potential customers to visit our website and try/buy our product.

See Potential Customers.. > here

See Potential Customers.. > here


Persons who visit our website using your affiliate Link will land on the Main website page by default.

However, you can change this landing page to any page on our website by following the Instructions Here >> Change  Landing page

100% Free to join

100% Free to remain in the program. 

You will never be asked to send money to the company.

  1. Skills needed: An Attitude to succeed
  2. Tools needed: An internet connection

No other special skills are needed. This is a work from home job that you can do full time or part time using the internet to promote a software product using emails and social media.

Yes, this is a work from home Job and your tool is a computer and a internet connection. You can choose to work at your own pace part time or full time whenever you choose

Affiliate Compensation

Your earnings depends on many factors and can range from a minimum of 20% of your referral sales to over 100% based on your sales Ranks and Team leadership activity.

See Detailed Compensation Plan > 

A Rank is a grade that is assigned to Affiliates based on their sales and leadership achievements within the program. There are four ranks ( Representative-20%; Gold-25%; Emerald-30%; Diamond-35%)

The last three ranks are called leadership ranks, and are awarded to affiliates who start an affiliate team.  Team leaders get a portion of the income of their team members and this can boost their total commission to a rate above 100%.

Teams and Team Leaders

The company rewards Affiliates who actively invites other persons to join the program as affiliates. Each person who joins using your affiliate link, will become a part of your team. The following are the benefits of starting a team:

  1. Team Leaders are paid higher commissions. 
  2. You automatically become the leader of your team and will earn a portion of the income of each member of your team
  3. You become eligible for significant lifetime annual bonus payments which is only paid to Team leaders.
  4. Monthly commissions are determined by the sales performance of the whole team and not just your individual sales. This will improve your chances of earning a higher monthly commission.
  5. You will earn income even if you don’t have personal sales for that month. 

Send your Affiliate link to other persons and invite them to join the Affiliate program just like you did. Any person who clicks on your link to visit and register on our website will automatically become a part of your Team. 

There is no limit to team size.

However, the structure of your Team matters,  (for example whether you have level-1 and level-2 and level-3 team members) as this will affect your permanent rank. You can learn more here  …. See Detailed Compensation Plan >