Omega Maintenance CMMS
Why is OMC Different
- Our Maintenance Engineers did not find a suitable CMMS on the market, so we designed and built OMC with all the features on our wish list.
- Our Focus was Planning, PM Scheduling, Work Order Management, Reporting, Cost Analysis, Maintenance KPI’s and failure analysis.
- We shared OMC with friends in other worldwide companies, and the response and feedback was extremely positive.
- OMC is just $5 per user per month, so anyone who wants a CMMS can have one. We even have a FREE version.
- No computer programming experience needed, simply download, and click to run on one or more computers.
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OMC is Completely FREE if you are maintaining less than 30 Equipment/Entities
Stay at Home, Office, or anywhere and Omega Technology will provide Public or Private Online Training. Learn More>
Our Professional Training Workbook which includes Training Exercises will get you up and running in no time. Learn More >